Friday, October 14, 2011

CE: California Shooting

At least eight people killed in hair salon near Los Angeles by man described as a former member of the armed forces.
        So apparently the assailant, Scott Evans Dekraai of Huntington Beach, California,was believed to be in the middle of a custody battle with his wife, who is an employee of the salon. He killed his ex-wife along with 7 other people, and wounded a ninth.A witness said "He proceeded to calmly tell them that there were rifles in the front passenger side ... he said he had a knife in each pocket ." Scott  wanted custody over their 8-year old son, and the dispute was the motive for the shooting. No wonder your wife didn't want you to get custody of the kid. You're a psycho -_-. He was armed with three guns ; a 9 mm Springfield, a Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum, and a Heckler & Koch .45. Scott was also was wearing body armor during the shooting rampage.
          Scott was not satisfied with just murdering his target, his ex-wife. For almost two minutes, he shot victim after victim, killing  people by shooting them in the head and chest. About 20 people were inside the salon during the shooting, and many of them were "playing dead, hiding in backrooms, just trying to stay out of his way" These are some smart people. My mom always told me, if there's a psycho killer, play dead and smear blood on your face. Thank god Scott got arrested afterward. What kind of twisted fatherly love is this? Now his 8-year old son has no mother, and has to live with the fact that his father is a murderer. Scott  Dekraai wouldn't have done this if he truly loved his son. I think he simply wanted revenge.

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