Tuesday, October 11, 2011

BiWeekly:Living to the fullest ?

              I agree with Steve Jobs that "all eternal expectations,pride,all fear of embarrassment or failure fall away in the face of death, leaving what is important". I think Jobs is trying to say that he's done a lot of embarrassing things before, but in the end, when he dies, he won't be remembered for those embarrassing moments, but for his achievements. I feel like.. the only thing people leave behind when they die, besides their ashes, are memories. Like what everyone else would say, give your best to achieve something. Your dreams will die out once you yourself die, so you must 'reach for the stars' while you still have the chance.Therefore, you shouldn't let your stubborn pride get in your way; people tend to not admit they're wrong and stuff because their 'pride' is so big.You won't be worrying about that when you get hit by a car and is bleeding to death. You might be thinking you really shouldn't have yelled at your wife for not making you pancakes for breakfast ; you want to apologize but you cant anymore. You might even turn into that one ghost in paranormal activity because you have 'unsettled business'.
             I find that I cannot live everyday to the fullest. Once, I read something like "  If I lived everyday like it was my last, I'd be in jail."I find this quote quite true. People tend to panic when they're about to die. If they want some candy but had no money, they'd go and rob the candy store because, why bother thinking about the later consequences when you're about to die anyways?Why do homework ? Why go to school ? Why not drive a car even  though we aren't old enough yet ? I would do some very crazy things.
            As for me, I cannot forgive so fast, so easily. Living everyday to the fullest feels feels.. rushed. Goals take time to achieve. However, it would be another story if I knew for sure I was going to die.I would taste all my favorite foods for the last time, and take a billion pictures with both my friends and family. I'd give everyone one last hug and kiss on the cheek and die in that Snow White sleeping position hahaha. :)
          One situation in which " living everyday like it's your last " would be good advice is when you're making hard decisions. When you're having doubts, such as.. should I buy this car ? should I take this job ? should I sleep in ? Should I ask out the person I like ?Go ahead. Life is really short.To me, days past by really, really fast. It's October right now and from what it feels like each year, I blink, and then its May. School passes by like a blur. I have so much stuff to do and most of what I remember is so vague. Given the opportunity to go sky diving or go parachuting, I would. I can't guaranteed I'd have a memorable day every single moment of this lifetime, but its alright.

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