Tuesday, October 4, 2011

CE: Life sucks and then you die when you're finally about to get something good.

                A scientist who won the Nobel prize for medicine for his work on cancer, died of the disease just days before he could be told of the award.
         I find this so ironic. Ralph Steinman studied at New York's Rockefeller University and had prolonged his own life with a new therapy based on his prize-winning research into the body's immune system.The 68-year-old physician, who joked last week with his family about hanging on until the annual prize declaration, died on Friday after a four-year battle with pancreatic cancer. He was the first person in half a century to win a posthumous [ after death] Nobel prize.The Nobel Committee spent the morning calling Steinman to offer the traditional congratulations only to discover the tragic situatuion.After debating on the fate of the prize, and money worth three quarters of a million dollars, they decided it would go to Steinman's heirs.
        His university said: "Steinman ... was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer four years ago, and his life was extended using a dendritic-cell based immunotherapy of his own design." That is really cool. I have total respect for him because he was able to fight his cancer for about four years using his own research. It's almost like he's changing up his fate with his own power.  He probably would've died a lot earlier if he had not brought out his  intelligence to try and cure himself and others of cancer. However, it was very unfortunate for him to die a few days before he could enjoy his prize. If I was him, I'd die with so much regret I'd come back as a ghost, grab my prize and THEN go to heaven. lolol.

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