Wednesday, October 19, 2011

RE: I have a bucket list ! :)

This is from Nicholas Cheung.

I wonder how many people have an actual bucket list.
        I have a bucket list ! :) I add to it every year. I think the reason I keep one is so I wont forget what my wishes were because my memory isn't that great. One of my biggest goals is that, by the end of senior year, I would break the school record for 400m in track. And maybe be valedictorian when we graduate. Theres like probably 10% chance of these even actually happening but... dare to dream, people. :) I aim to live till 135 and eat birthday cake with my great-great grand kids. I'm not really into traveling, so that's not on my list. I want to go to a Taylor Swift concert. She's so pretty. I want to give birth to twin kids, and be a verrrrrrry pretty and fit mom; not a chubby one with lots of rolls that doesn't exercise after her pregnancy because she feels like she's already a  married woman, so who is she even trying to impress. I want lots and lots of new clothes and shoes and jewelry; the typical girl stuff !
       I want a watergun so when I have waterfights in the summer, I will blast the crap out of everyone LOL. I want to grow my hair down to my butt and mess with it during math class [I hate math] .I want an itouch. -_- My parents say they're distracting and why do I need one. Mom and dad,what century are we in? I'm BORED since you guys don't let me go on the computer on schooldays.I want to eat turkey during Thanksgiving. Yeah, we're so Asian, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving. My mom is all "who cares about Indians" .I want to eat banana creme pie and never get cancer or diabetes or those scary stuff. The list goes on and on.

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