Friday, October 7, 2011

RE: that's being so..rude

Sharon  said:
Many people say i'm mean because i always say "you look fat.." "ugh... your hair is awful.." and "you suck at this, your just jealous you cant be like me.." Okay, i litereally do say those stuff.but it's not because i'm mean, it's because i'm being honest and i'm preparing you for the real world.
      Sorry, but I have to totally disagree with that. Honestly I think barely anyone ' in the real world'  would tell their friends that they're 'ugly' to their face. It's just so rude and harsh. Like my parents always tell me, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. Would you like your friends to tell you " You're so ugly and your hair looks disgusting today?' nah, I didn't think so. If  someone said that to me, I'd probably get so butthurt I'd go run them over with my lawnmower  lol. Us girls are insecure about ourselves enough as it is; why in the world would you add in a bunch of unnecessary comments like that ? You can joke about it, but it really hurts if you're saying it for real.  In my opinion,it's not preparing  anyone for anything except that us girls need to loose more weight, starve ourselves skinny and buy a ton of products to make ourselves 'prettier'.
     In Ap Euro we learned that back then, chubby women were considered rich and pretty and stuff. Cause being fat meant you had hella food to eat and you had hella money. Skinny people were poor. Maybe we should all go back to those times haha.

1 comment:

  1. I responded to this
