Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I still want to go trick-or-treating this year...

           I'm probably too old to still trick-or-treat and stuff but it's so fun. I know, I'm hella immature. However, the first time I ever went trick or treating was seventh grade. I am a deprived child hahaha! My parents are strict and my curfew usually six, but on Halloween, I get to stay out till nine ! And I like candy. (:  I remembered last year I got a whole bunch HAHAHA. I was in heaven. OH and there was this lady whose doorbell we rang, and then she came out and her dog tried to get out too.And she said, " Get back in the house Gigi." and all my friends looked at me. teehee :) I'm so cool people name their dogs after me ! It was a cute dog; really fluffy and white.
         Last year I dressed up as a princess. But honestly, I just wanted to wear a dress and a crown. This year, I want to be a Tigger [the one from Winnie the Pooh]! About a week ago,  I went to Costco , and there were racks where they sell costumes for kids. They were so cute! I was looking around after I finished browsing the food aisle; then I saw the tigger costume !! But of course, it was too small for me. I would've probably needed to shrink back to a 6 year old. They should totally sell adult tigger suits though ! I would wear it for Halloween and bounce down the streets saying " TTFN ! TA TA FOR NOW !" ohmygosh ♥ Then I'd go scare the living daylights out of some random kid .

1 comment:

  1. http://dave-yu.blogspot.com/2011/10/re-halloween-is-for-everyone.html
    I did a response post on this
