Friday, October 14, 2011

RE: Running is a passion

It's amazing because in the end of the race, their team makes a world record of 37.04! Usain Bolt recovered his other title too at the 4x1 making 2 medals out of 3. That's about nine seconds each running 100 meters. The world record before 37.04 was 37.10 seconds. I'd like to see the next world record for this. Majority of world records are held by Jamaicans and probably will be in the future. But overall, that's real effort into a race. I totally wish I could be there; other people would too but I think I would of screwed up their team obviously. It's world class athletes, something I always dream to be in.
        I found this on Gendarme's blog. That story was fun to read :) I remember I didn't know who the heck Usain Bolt was until this year when people in track practice was talking about how he false started once, and they kept imitating him. I would've liked to see them run too. Our coach Justin says Jamaicans are fast because they walk 5 miles to school each day .When they were little, they had no shoes so they always ran barefoot, which is actually really good for your ankle.
         I like running too. RUNNING IS MY PASSION. Sort of. I like it when it's not too hot or too cold. Sometimes I get lazy and skip practice but my heart still beats so fast when I remember my races. I get this memories of all the anticipation and getting my end result.I feel like I'm 'there' again. The sweetness of being first in your heat/group. Relays are so beautiful. It takes a good hand off and teamwork to pull though; like Gendarme said, you need real effort.
         My sprint medley at Castro Valley was the first race I had ever pulled though as first place in my heat. I LOVE thinking about it. Watching, and rewatching that race video.Heehee :D I remember I messed up my hand off with Michelle and we almost passed the hand off zone for our baton passing [ if you DO pass it, you get disqualified]. And I forgot we could cut in the lane because I was on lane 5,and my coach was screaming 'GIGI CUT IN'  I was the anchor. So this black girl [ no racial ] is running ahead of me [we're running a lap,400 meters] and it was a sunny late afternoon. She was ahead of me until the second curve of the track, and then  I passed her. Oh my. I pushed my self to run, run, run. It was crazy. I was so scared she was right on my heels. I heard all the cheers; it was so loud all around and then..I realized I was still first. I push through to the finish line and turn around to see where all the other runners were at. Then I threw my arms up in the air,still holding my baton " WOOOOOO!" oh yeah (:
          You know how people saying 'Winning isn't the most important thing '? It's not but it feels so..I cant explain. Afterward, I ran over to my teammates and we all hugged the life outta each other.

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