Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Free: littering

          I was chilling in the park with my friend, and I see this 6 or 7 year old kid, he's eating his bag of chips. He's done and he suddenly flings his trash to the floor and runs up the slide to play tag or whatnot with his friends. I got really annoyed and disgusted. I mean, come on, the trashcan is 10 feet away. What is wrong with society ? I mean, I litter sometimes too but that mostly when there's no trashcan. But actually.. . I can't even blame the kid as much as I would blame his parents. It's their job to teach him stuff like this. I wouldn't mind as much if he littered a gum wrapper or something, but its a huge chip bag.  I was going to find  that kid and make him pick it up but I forgot how he looked like haha,
          I sat there at the playground and that piece of trash was starting to annoy me. The poor play ground getting all dirty and trashy because of kids who don't use thier brains and pick up after themselves. I told my friend "I'm going to pick it up !!" They said, 'Wow, really." YEAP. I normally wouldn't have pick up random trash when I see it but it's just that it got littered in front of my face. Oh well at least I'll get good karma! That kid wont. Fosho.
         By the way, yesterday we went over to Encinal because there was that lockdown at school. It's hella hot in their buildings and it's really small everywhere.I like their track and ocean view tho. :) K.

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