Friday, October 14, 2011

Free: Building Something With My Own Hands

           Last Friday, we had no school. I woke up thinking "oh good, today I'm going to finish watching my Korean drama and just chill" but no, my dad decided to buy drawers from IKEA and make me build them -_- . He's been remodeling my room so he decided to buy new furniture. I like new furniture. So he comes home with those white drawers and he's like 'Build it" I didnt think he was serious. At first, I was really annoyed, but actually, it wasn't that bad.
          Thank god there was an instruction manual. It was my second time building something besides that ugly cutting board I made in wood shop during 8th grade. There were about 27 steps. I took the boards out of the box and just sat there starring at them for a while.It's not super difficult, but it just takes time to figure out which boards go where and if you're placing them in the right direction. I had to be careful screwing in those stupid nails because they kept going in lopsided. I started building it around 1 in the afternoon and worked on it till 4. AND I STILL WASN'T DONE. My knees hurt so much from kneeling on the ground. However, in the end, when I finally finished...I felt so accomplished. I built something with my own hands.I didn't accidentally hammer my finger. And its not ugly ! AND my parents complimented me too. They said " Oh,you're so smart !" Oh yeah. (:

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