Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Dream Deferred
                                                         What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run? A
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

                                                                    Or does it explode? 

              A dream deferred is a dream forgotten. I think dreams take a long time to achieve. That's why they're call "dreams" in the first place; because they are tasks that take time and hard work to get to, and might even seem somewhat impossible to achieve. If you put off a dream, you're going to eventually forget what you wished to do and you dream ends up as a white sheet of paper, never used and blown away to who-knows-where.
         Dreams are one of our purposes in life. I think that's why we go to school. So we can learn stuff and maybe become the president, a congressman , or an  even smarter version of  Steve Jobs. Dreams are probably deferred because people begin to think they're impossible to achieve. They slowly start to neglect that dream, shoving it into a trunk in the back of their minds. My parents probably used to have dreams too. Maybe they stopped dreaming because they thought they had no time to achieve that dream since they already had a family and 'reality' to deal with.
        A deferred dreams does not explode. To me,'exploding' mean fireworks; fireworks are beautiful and happy. Deferred dreams are not. I guess sometimes it's necessary to postpone a dream if you're too occupied with other stuff.. Stuff such as jobs or your kid. Me, I daydream a  lot on class. I like dreaming when there's nothing better to do. I like imagining how I would leave a legacy in the world after I die. And all the stuffs in between. Hanging on to a  dream wont hurt anyone, so why put it off  in a corner ?A forgotten dream is kinda lonely. Where would my aim go ?

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