Friday, September 30, 2011

Humanity equals happiness. :D Smile !

            I think the definitive character of humanity is happiness.We humans have so many attributes but that is the most important of all. Everyone wants to be "happy" ;its just that each person has a way of fulfilling it. Some people are happy when they have a bunch of money. Some are happy when they find their lost cat. Some are happy when they win the football game.Most are extremely happy when they marry the person they love.
            Hmm, I don't really know what to say. I think human beings are really complex, bipolar creatures. My mom used to tell me this: if a person had 10 dollars, they'd want a 100.When they had 100 dollars, then they'd start wanting 1,000 and so on. We can never be satisfied. We are always looking for stuff that would make us happy. For example, a guy finally goes out with the girl he likes a lot and he's happy. Then a couple years later, he's want to marry her because he's not happy with JUST dating her. And after they get married, he'd get super duper happier when they both have kids.
           I guess what I'm trying to say is  happiness lasts only a short period before we look for OTHER things that can 'renew' that happy feeling. You know why we had all those wars and stuff ? Because some people feel content when they have power. They feel happy when their country is bigger. Being invincible is their happy feeling. It's like you can rule the entire world.
        I kinda think happiness is like eat it, digest it, and then you need to find more. It's what we're striving for for our whole life. Each person interprets it differently though,depending on their age,level of maturity and personality, of course. For example,a five year old would get so joyful if his mommy and daddy takes him to the park in the morning, MC Donald's for lunch , and Chuck E' Cheese afterward. Children's minds are still pretty simple and straightforward. That would've been the best day of my life if I was still a  kid. Next up is us teenagers. Some teenager finds happiness when they start dating the person they like; sometimes they think it turns to'love' , but.. meh. I don't know. Some get super excited when they win their basketball/football/soccer games. And also when they see a bunch of food in front of their faces :) . Adults, of course, take a lot to cheer up. Their minds are so complicated. Their only happy moments is probably their marriage and their first kid. And maybe a job raise. I never see my parents extremely happy. I can't say much about an adult's happiness because I'm not one yet. Old people are happy when they have good health. They've got their children out of their hair and their house is paid for and stuff. There's nothing much to wish for except for when they hear from their doctor they have no diabetes or cancer and whatnot. Their happiness is growing old with their hubby/wife ,watching their grand kids play in the park or something , and reminiscing of 'the old days'.
            Humans have many other attributes such as greed, selfishness, and love. In my opinion, people are selfish because if they are too generous, others will take advantage of it, cheat them of all their belongings, and the person would be left with nothing and get all depressed and lonely. Therefore, they must maintain some degree of  selfishness in order to achieve their ideal of happiness. You find greed because supposedly, the more you have, the happier you are. More money, more food, more friends, more clothes;yeah, those are pretty nice stuff. Last but not least, LOVE is like 'the shit' because after we grow out of our childhood, we mostly look for our other half. Finding them makes us deliriously happy.
          When people are happy, they look friendlier, prettier, more lovable. Nobody likes some depressed moody jerk. It's good being happy because you live longer, healthier, look younger. When a happy person smiles, the corners of their eyes stretch out making their eyes look kind, and their smiles are the most beautiful. Their cheeks are pink. A happy person gets far in life. They would  mostly likely get hired during a job interview because the judges see their positive enthusiastic attitude and happy people have the warmth that just shoots out of them like sunshine.
          In my opinion, happiness feels like this warm soothing feeling. Nothing can ruin your day; you feel like flying. You laugh so much, even if something isn't funny, because you're in such a good mood. Happiness is like crack, you're just so giggly and jumpy. It feels like your heart's about to leap out with happiness. You feel like hugging all your friends and parents and giving 100% in your homework. You feel excited because you're positive the next day will be as great as the day before.
           We need happiness because if not.. what else would we have ? I mean besides that, all I can think of is being negative, having grudges, hating on everything. Doing a good deed, hanging out, making a new friend; those are all positive stuff.  I wouldn't know what else to call those feelings that makes us feel so content and infinite.

          This is how we all look like when we're happy. :) We have many moments like these every single day. We smile when we look through our cameras at the crazy pictures we take, the water fights we have on hot days, the first memory of our wedding,our first kiss, and so on. Even though we have depressing times in our lives, most of it is still consumed by our happiness. So heeey keep on smiling ! :) You can get depressed today but tomorrow, you'll definitely find something that will make your face light up and make you laugh till your stomach hurts, because it's what we're always looking for. Happiness is our goal !!!!

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