Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Biweekly: In a Dark Rooooooom

         They injected the anesthesia. I feel so sleepy all of a sudden;my eyelids are getting so heavy. I let myself get lost in my sleep. Five minutes later, I woke up with a start.I had a huge headache and it was dark all around. Sharp pain jabbed at my skull. Is this how a hangover feels like ? I got up on my feet. Where are the lights ? I feel so blind. Oh my god, what if I am blind ? Panic crept over me like a tsunami wave. Oh wait, never mind; I can see my hands if I put them two inches in front of my face. I'm starting to feel paranoid;what if there's like some crazy psycho in here too ? I feel chills inching up my back like caterpillars. Man, I think I've been watching too many slasher movies.
          I have to get out of here. I felt around the wall for a light switch;I was getting frustrated. The walls were cool and smooth. Okay, forget the lights. I'm going to find a flashlight ! I started pulling away from the wall, putting my hands out awkwardly in front of me, so I wouldn't trip over some unknown object. The warmth in here wraps around me like hot chocolate in the winter. This place feels familiar,where am- OW ! I stumbled on something round and hard.My left foot ached like it was being bitten by tiny ants. I waited until the sensation went away, and I picked up the object.I instantly knew it was a ball of some kind. I held it right in front of my face so I can try and see, even a little. It had patches or black and something lighter. A soccer ball ? My eyes are tingling from concentrating so hard on the ball. What is it doing here ? I haven't played soccer since I was in third grade. Since my dad had left.....
          As I held on to the soccer ball, those memories came flooding back like a waterfall. The day my dad left for war. He had been in the military. That day, I was screaming and kicking at him, typing my arms around his leg like super glue that wouldn't come off. " Daddy don't go,it's dangerous ! You could get killed !And you still have to teach  me how to play soccer !"  " Richie, daddy  will come back soon enough to celebrate Christmas with you, so be a good boy and take care of your ma for me ! I promise I'll get you some new soccer cleats too. I will be back before you know it." He gave me a hug and then left. Likewise, he died in the war and never came back. I had buried this memory to the back of my head, smothering it with layers of grief and anger.
          I blinked; why was I remembering this now ? Why is there even a  soccer ball in here? Scrunching up me face with confusion,I threw it down and started kneeling, shuffling around on the floor to look for the flashlight. The floor was carpet, fuzzy and soft. My old house had a carpet like this. What a coincidence. I kept on shuffling. 
         I rammed my head right into a closet/ shelf of some kind. I  cried out in pain, holding my poor forehead. I flopped down on the carpet to rest. I swear, I can see a billion stars dancing around my eyes.My forehead stung like it was being poked at by sharp toothpicks. A few moments later, I could feel a bump rising on my head, an angry bump. Hold up. Maybe the flashlight is in the shelf ! I got up, and opened the closet door, blindly reaching in. It smelled like lavender inside. I felt around, moving my fingers around the boxes and whatnot, hoping I don't accidentally touch something nasty. I feel something cylinder shaped and cool. It must be the flashlight !! I grinned to myself in the dark. I took it out and examined it. It was the flashlight ! I pressed the on button- nothing. Nothing happened ? WHAT ? oh no. I sprawled myself on the carpet, exasperated. I give up. I'll just lie here and wait for someone to come or something....gawd, I still don't even know where I am. I yawned. I guess I'll just take a nap.
          "-ichie.. Richie." I slowly opened my eyes. Wow, its so bright in here.  The light struck my eyes like lightning in the middle of a dark storm. Too bright ! I squinted my eyes. " Mom... ?" ,I said. "Where am I ? " " Oh, honey, don't you remember ? They found out you had a brain was really big. You had to go through surgery to get it out. But it was so risky...there was only a 30% chance you'd make it through... I was so afraid you wouldn't make it" Then she started crying. " Shhhh, its okay, mom, I'm fine, so don't cry" I slowly peeked out of my eyes, cautiously seeing if my eyes had adjusted to the light yet. I leaved over and gave my mom a  hug. "sorry for worrying you", I said. Then I layed back down on my not-so-fluffy hospital bed.
       Okay, in case no one got actually, there's this guy Richie who has a brain tumor and in the beginning of the story and he's getting it removed. He wanders around his brain subconsciously and comes one of his memories. Yeah....

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