Sunday, September 4, 2011

Get To Know Me.

        Hi I'm Gigi. I'm fifteen, my birthday is on January 12 ,and I'm a sophomore at AHS. I'm 100% Chinese,which, if you believe in stereotypes, means I'm smart. I'm 5'6 3/4 but I don't play basketball because I have awkward coordination. Instead, I run track! (: My event is the 400m. In case you wanted to know, my best time is 1:08 ; I hope to get way faster this year. I'm a carefree kind of person;sort of chill and easy going. I love watching those sappy romance movies while chilling with my bowl of ice cream on the couch. And when my mom finds out I dripped ice cream on the couch, she would scream at me again.
        Like any other normal kid, I don't finish my homework till the last minute. I have absolutely no patience whatsoever; if you make me wait for more than five minutes on you, I will go crazy and throw a B.F. [ refer to the movie 'White Chicks'] (:  As for school, my worst subject is math. Last year, in Advanced Algebra 2, I failed more than half of my tests.Its a miracle I even made it to normal Pre-Cal. All we need in life is just basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; we are NOT going to measure how much those chocolate chip cookies cost using the Pythagorean theorem. I am also not a morning person; if you call me before 11 on a Sunday, I will get super duper pissed. Oh, and did I mention I love chocolate ? So in case you ever wanted to bribe me...better bring them chocolate and gummy worms.
       I'm one of those active immature people that still like to play 'Sandman' and 'Monster Tag'. I know, those games are for kids, but..I just love them <3 . I shall be rich when I grow up. That's going to be a fact (: . Haha I actually have a diary I write in...because I'm such a dork that way. I have a soft spot for animals, and I'd like to have a adorable doggie,but unfortunately, my mom hates dogs. She says, 'They shit everywhere and then you have to clean it up'. Humans shit everywhere too...I mean, don't you see those streets littered with human poop ? Anyways, one thing that really gets to me is when my mom/dad/sister comes into my room and leaves without closing the door. If the door was closed before you came in, shouldn't it be common courtesy to close it when you go out ? I just hate having to get up from my chair, close the door, sit back down, only to have you people come in and leave it open again 5 minutes later.
         As for my writing goals, I would like to become an impressive,convincing writer; the kind that if I ever applied for Standford or something, they'd be so impressed with my writing introduction or whatever, they'll accept me without looking at my grades. Yea, well that's about it. I hope I didn't bore you to death! GOOD BYE.


  1. This is sooo cute. You seem girly, but its cool cus I'm super girly. lolzzz.
    And I totally feel your wanting to be rich when you're older and that it will happen. Cus that's what I'm doing too!
    Keep it up, and no, you're not boring, at all. Haha!

  2. Lets be rich together in the future !!! :) See you at those rich people socializing parties 7 years from now mkay ? :D!

  3. G^2. I have responded to this. Like a few weeks ago. kthxbai
