Wednesday, September 21, 2011

RE:Response to Pamela's post

So Pamela here said :
What shallow world we live in? Little kids are wearing makeup, have facial piercings, and are cursing their asses off. When I was a little kid, all I did was play outside, played board games, and watched cartoons. What the hell happened?
       Oh My these days are so...SMH. My little cousin is in first grade and she highlighted her hair.I was like what the heck ?  She has all the time to dye/highlight her hair all she wants when she turns 50 to cover up her white hair or whatever, but she's just too young right now ! Her hair's going to get all damaged and it might not be good for her scalp.
       I saw some third grader with a white I phone. What...? Who the hell are they even going to call ? "Oh, Mommy, I drew a biiiiiiiig flower today" I got MY phone when I was in seventh grade. -_- And there's like, 13 year olds loosing their virginity? When I was your age.... I lost a tooth. Stop going on the computer all the time and go play some freeze tag already. I have another cousin who's 5 years old and whenever he's over at my house he hogs the computer to play "Super Mario". I'm like NO,the computer is broken. Go draw some flowers.
        I hate how kids these days don't appreciate the stuff they have. They waste tons money buying G-shocks and whatnot, when they're just going to break them climbing monkey bars or something. If they were growing up in my parent's generation, they wouldn't get crap. You'd be thankful if you had just enough to eat and wear. Gawd, you wouldn't even have a tv, let alone some I-touch.  Appreciate the simple things in life ! Such as sunshine and flowers...

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