Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Free : This Birthday Dinner

        My sickly baby cousin Kingsley turned one today ! We went to a dinner party at this restaurant. There were four tables in all; two tables for my Aunt Annie's side of the family and two for my Uncle Michael's. His side is so colorful/diverse. There was like a White person and a Filipino. My aunt's side is like, all Chinese. LOL. Oh and my Uncle Michael's sisters are SO PRETTY !Even though they have kids and stuff and they're probably older than 35, but they don't have those flab everywhere and their makeup and hair is so straight and pretty. I will be pretty like that even when I'm 35+ too :D teehee. And there was lots of food, of course. Even this one aunt that I have who is usually so sloppy looking dressed nice. wow. And I wore a dress ! I LOVE dressing up. My mom needs to make more young friends... then we'll get to be invited to their weddings, and I can wear a dress. But that's not the best part !
         You know how people say that all babies are super cute ? Not necessarily... Kingsley looked kind of blotchy.. hahha (: But his older brother Issac is so adorable ! He's three. When I came to the party he ran over and hugged my legs because he's so short ♥ awww ! His eyelashes are SO LONG AND DARK. They're even darker than mine...-_-
        Okay , so the best part... was after blowing out the cake and stuff my aunty passed out goodie bags with CHOCOLATE ! <33333 ILY.

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