Friday, September 16, 2011

Free : Will Winter Break Come Already

         I am so tired.It's not that I don't like school ,but there's just too much homework this year. I put AP Euro as my first priority and my sleep last. Even my weekends aren't free. This is helluh suffocating ! I just want some chill time. Oh, and because I'm Chinese , I have Chinese school at 9:30 on Saturdays. So I can never sleep in. And on Sundays....inconsiderate people call my cell phone at like 9 -_- . oh mygawwd. I'm boutta fall over from exhaustion !!!!
         I also want winter break to come faster because I want to be holed up in my house from the freezing cold. It is SUPER COLD when you do PE in the winter. I'm the cold blooded type, which means my hands are always cold no matter what. Maybe I'm actually a vampire or something...I always catch colds around December too. If I'm at home, then there would be less germs to go around (:
         Oh I almost forgot about Christmas. Not that my family really celebrate it, but still. We'd at least go out to eat. OM NOM NOM I love food :)

By the way, If I ever had a cat, I would dress it up like this for Halloween LOLOL <3  It looks soooooo cute! Too bad my mom hates animals. If I had a cat though... I'd name her Antoinette. I would take her on walks and we'd run together. She would be a special cat. She can sleep on the end of my bad and warm my cold feet in the winter. Teehee (:

1 comment:

  1. Its not because you're Chinese that you have Chinese school. Maybe you're just not good enough. LOL
