Friday, September 9, 2011

Response post to hair issues. haha.

People seem to have the stereotype that all Asians have naturally straight hair. Well let me tell you something, you are WRONG.
        I totally agree with Amy Trieu. Whoever thinks that is stupid. It's just like saying ohh all white people gets freckles. Or something. Anyways, when I wake up, my hair's always in these retardedass waves. I would LIKE to have super straight hair but, maaan that's impossible. Straightening it make my hair get all dry and then it feels like straw. Not that it isn't already damaged enough. My hair's super brown from the sun. I think. People are always like " Oh, did you dye your hair ? Its so brown!" uh, no... its just damaged. haha.
         Oh another thing.. I absolutely hate how if your bangs are all gross and ugly , it makes your whole face feel ugly because bangs are like, one of the main 'things' people look at when they look at your face. And then you feel all gross for the rest of the day, therefore resulting in a negative mood the whole day. And one more thing about hair. I think its gross when girls wash their hair like, once a week so their hair is always hella oily and they're like scratching their head because its like dirty. -_- Shampoo is really not that expensive..
         I'm kinda jealous how guys' hair is always so.. healthy and conditioned. Its cause they cut it all the time ! Maybe I should get a buzz cut too. HAHAHA omigosh that would be so wild. When I grow old and get grand kids, I would be able to tell them 'Oh haaay granny got a buzz cut when I was in high school' and then they'd think I was cool. Yeah.

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