Friday, September 16, 2011

CE : Children Mortality Rates are going down ! wooooo

Recently, the number of children under the age five who die annually has plummeted from 12 million in 1990 to 7.6 million in 2010. That means more kids are staying healthy and alive !
Babies are particularly vulnerable. According to the report, more than 40 per cent of deaths in children under the age of five occur within the first month of life and more than 70 per cent occur in the first year of life.
            This is GREAT news ! There's been so much sad stuff going around lately, such as the crappy economy and remembering 9/11. Well, at least we know our human population is flourishing! They say that there are many reasons for the improved under-five mortality rate, such as access to health care and preventive measures such as immunization, clean water and better nutrition.
            How nice ! Now moms don't have to live through the pain of seeing their child die before five, because now kids can live much longer than five ! It's such a  beautiful thing to see kids grow up; life is a pretty cycle. Kids are so adorable :) Everyone deserves a chance to grow old and die in their peaceful sleep. Giving birth is such  a hard task too. Imagine having a still birth... it would make the mom go into a  deep depression. If it was me, I'd probably go crazy and shake my poor baby and say' Hey wake up !!!!!' . Thank god for the new findings in medicine, new technology to do surgeries and x-rays to find out where in your body went wrong.
             I have a baby cousin who was born recently. Unfortunately, he has a kidney defect or something. He has to go to the hospital all the time ): It's kind of sad when you're just a few months old and you have to go through hella surgeries. He still visits the hospital a lot, but at least he's alive. I hope he gets cured soon !Stay strong, Kingsley !!! <3

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