Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CE : Oh No Powerful Typhoon hits Japan

A powerful typhoon has smashed into disaster-ravaged Japan after rains that preceded it killed at least four people.Two people remained missing in the central prefecture of Gifu, including a young boy who disappeared on his way home from primary school.
         I feel hella bad for Japan. Its one disaster after another D':  Heavy rains flooded central Japan and many people had to evacuate their homes. The Toyota company has to shut down 11 of 15 plants because they're in the way of the storm. Is it just me, or are there so many natural disasters coming because we're nearing 2012 ?!
        What did Japan ever do to Mother Nature. The people living there are probably scared everyday,thinking "Oh shit, whats going to happen today, another tsunami ?" Maybe they should immigrate to somewhere else and be safer.. I dont know. Just a thought. I kinda wanna go to Japan and help them out. I want to experience their hardships. Maybe I'll appreciate life more that way?
          Ooh speaking of Japan.. I love their food. Those sushi,udon, and crepes are super yummy. Their traditional clothing is kinda cool too. It's colorful, but the material looks kinda heavy.. it's called a kimono, I think? I want to try one on for fun ! Maaan, they have a long way to go on rebuilding their cities and stuff after they were pulverized from the earthquake. I remember seeing pictures of Japan after it was hit; it was terrible. It was so broken and messy everywhere. Thank god I don't live near any water. I can't swim to save my life, not that swimming would do me any good when a tsunami hits, but.. you never know. Anyways, I hope no more disasters hits Japan, and everybody lives happily ever after. Okay.. goodnight


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