Friday, September 16, 2011

RE : Nancy's post on the Michelle Le murder

           Ohmigosh I feel so bad for Michelle Le. Like Nancy said,

I honestly think if Giselle Esteban really did kill Michelle because she was hanging out with her baby's daddy, that would be ridiculous.
          I thought stuff like this only happened in 'Criminal Minds', but I guess not. It really is ridiculous to kill someone just because the person you like is hanging out with your friend. If your baby's dad isnt into you, then just find another guy that is.A tip for you, Giselle; look forward to the future ahead of you; murdering your friend isn't going to make the guy fall for you.
          I bet Giselle never thought about how Michelle's family would feel. They were so desperate. I hang around my aunty's house in San Lorenzo a lot, and I saw flyers asking for Michelle's return everywhere. I remember the reward for her return was 65,000 and a couple weeks later, it rose to 100,000. I saw the flyers all over Chinatown too. I feel so bad for Michelle's family. Even though she's confirmed dead, they still can't find her body and give her a proper burial.
         Michelle was so pretty and had a whole life ahead of her. ): Live happily in heaven, Michelle ! You'll reincarnate soon enough. PCE.
         Watching criminal minda makes me hella paranoid, but they're so exciting! Our detectives aren't as smart as the ones in the tv's. Oh my gosh.. that means if I ever got kidnapped no one would ever find me ! D:

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