Sunday, September 4, 2011

Free:I Am Deathly Afraid of Spiders.

          I know spiders are good for the enviroment and all, but they just scare me. So this one  night, I was doing my homework and then my sister suddenly screams and runs out of the room. I look up and there's this HUGEASS frickin spider just chillin' on the ceiling on top  of my head. I was like 'AHHHHHH'GGHH' and I ran out of the room too. And then I went to get my mom. She stood up on  a chair and smacked it with her slippers. Ew then the spider's corpse fell onto my desk. Great, now my table is contaminated by spider cooties.
           For me, the correct way to kill a spider it to smack it and smear it against the wall till you know its dead for sure. Because that little creeper might just fall off somewhere injured, instead of dead, and hide in the corners of your room and then come back with a million spider babies the next time and eat your face. The only spider I ever liked was the one from 'Charlotte's Web'. I know I'm such a sissy for being scared of something a billion times smaller than me, but deal with it. Also,because I hate spiders, I dislike Spiderman. I think he's gross. Anyways, you spiders can chill wherever you want; I don't mind, as long as its not anywhere in my room, my house, my car, my food, my face etc. Thanks. (: And now, I'm going to eat some ice cream and watch a typical drama about stupid couples who will eventually get together in the end <3


  1. I did a response post on this, Gigi:D
    I hate spiders tooooo!!>:(


  3. I. Hate. Spiders. So. Much. Or really, bugs in general. Like, just reading your post, I feel like I'm being swarmed by all the insects in the world. *shudder. Cute post though, keep it up!
