Friday, September 9, 2011

CE :Since everyone's talking about 9-11, I think I will too.

$200,000,000,000 spent after the attacks 
1,506,124 tonnes of debris removed from the site
3,051 children lost a parent
2,819 lives were taken in the attacks
1,609 people lost their wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend
99 days the buildings continued to burn
20 percent of Americans knew someone hurt/killed in the attacks
day changed the world.
We will never forget. 10 years.

           So it's been 10 years. I was only in first grade when the 9/11 hit. I don't remember much, just that my teacher told our whole class to pray for the people who were in the Twin Towers. It's so sad that innocent people were killed, with no warning whatsoever. Their life ending, just like that. I hate terrorism and those stupid people who did it. Those people who suddenly just thought "Hmm, I'm bored today so I think I'll go bomb somewhere in New York and kill people for no reason cause I'm such a  douche and I think being a terrorist is the new trend." Okay, well dont worry. The fires of hell will keep you warm.
            This tragedy left some people scarred for life; those who witnessed it; I bet hey still have nightmares about it from time to time. Those who lost their loved ones still grief to this day. They will never forget, Those who went to clean up/help the disaster got severe chronic asthma. The people who went into the rubble and tried to save survivors; you guys are true heroes. Well..I hope nothing like this ever happens again. Its just too sad. I mean, who's cold hearted enough to bomb two buildings , stop trying to start shit. -_-
            I wonder how those people who were in the building felt? I bet they wished they didn't step into the Twin Towers that day. )': I hope all those victims reincarnate or something soon. And those terrorists.. did they ever think how doing such a  thing would cause society to criticize Muslims all around ? Saying that their people is 'bad' or whatever just because of something ONE man did, causing people all around too look down on Muslims.

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